“Tough Traveling” is a weekly Thursday feature created by Nathan at Review Barn where participants make a new list each week based on The Tough Guide to Fantasyland by Diana Wynne Jones. This hilarious little book cheerfully pokes fun at the most prevalent tropes in fantasy. All are welcome to take part, and there is a link up over at his site. Join in any time!
This week’s topic is FORBIDDEN LOVE:
Even in Fantasyland parents are not always happy with their children’s choice of partners.
YES FINALLY!!! If you know me at all then you probably know that my ships are very important to me, and SFF has some of the best ones. Although I will say that I’m constantly disappointed by how few queer ships there are in SFF, especially adult SFF. Say what you will about YA, but those books are definitely bringing it in terms of representation.
A classic case of the haves and have nots, Lilac and Tarver are separated mostly by class. While there were a lot of things that didn’t work for me in THESE BROKEN STARS, I have to admit that Lilac and Tarver made a pretty adorable couple. Too bad Lilac’s corporate space-titan daddy doesn’t agree… |
Is anyone not including this couple? I mean, they are as close to literal star-crossed lovers as I’ve ever encountered. Some couples have to deal filial expectations or even national duty, but there are multiple planets invested in keeping Alanna and Marko apart. A truly epic romance. |
What could possibly be more forbidden than a romance between the young daughter of an Irish lord and the (significantly older) lord of a Briton region? *crickets* That’s what I thought. Sorcha’s brothers are none too happy about the relationship either, but tough cookies. Sorcha gave up enough for those guys so they just have to deal. |
You may be thinking it’s forbidden love because they’re dudes, but these crazy kids have WAY bigger problems than small town bigots. I mean, how does a regular human guy introduce his faery prince boyfriend to friends? He has horns for crying out loud! And, you know, his dad the fae king is also trying to kill all the humans in the area. Minor obstacle. |