The Fantastically Diverse Readathon is being run by Uma of Books, Bags, Burgers to encourage participants to read more diverse fantasy novels. Taking place over two months from January 5th to March 1st the readathon is pretty low-key (and it’s cool to join in late like I am!) so it’s ideal for the TBR-challenged among us.

Shadowshaper by D.J. Older: I chose Shadowshaper for the category “PoC Protagonist,” as the MC is an AfroLatina young woman. A story about making magical street art in Brooklyn. What’s not to love, right?
Huntress by Malinda Lo: Malinda Lo’s standalone novel Huntress fulfills the “Diverse Myths and Retellings” category; while it’s not a retelling of a specific myth, it apparently makes use of several Chinese legends. Bonus? Queer as hell!
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore: Speaking of queer, When the Moon Was Ours is for the “LGBTQ+ Protagonist” category. This magical realism novel features a trans romance, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about it.

Handbook for Dragon Slayers by Merrie Haskell: Haskell’s Handbook for Dragon Slayers fulfills the “Diverse MG” category, as it features a protagonist who’s disabled: Princess Tilda has a clubfoot. According to the Disability in Kidlit folks, this one has great representation so I’m excited to dive into it!
Borderline by Mishell Baker: I chose Borderline for the “Disabled Characters” category since the protagonist has borderline personality disorder, and also lost both her legs in a suicide attempt. I’ve heard this urban fantasy is compelling and dark, and its supposed to be a solid representation of both mental and physical disabilities.
The Broken Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin: Last but certainly not least, I’ve selected The Broken Kingdoms for the “Diverse Fantasy From Your TBR” category. I absolutely loved the first book in this trilogy, and I desperately need to continue reading it.
I’m really excited to be participating in this readathon because a number of these books have been on my list for years, and now I’ve finally got the push I need to pick them up. Here’s hoping I can actually stick to a TBR for once!