Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. The weekly event is meant to showcase eagerly anticipated upcoming releases…and to spread the word! This week I’m excited about:

Marked in Flesh by Anne BishopMarked in Flesh by Anne Bishop (The Others #4)

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Penguin/Roc

Anticipated Publication Date: March 11, 2016

For centuries, the Others and humans have lived side by side in uneasy peace. But when humankind oversteps its bounds, the Others will have to decide how much humanity they’re willing to tolerate—both within themselves and within their community…View Spoiler »

If you’ve been following along here for a while, then you probably know all about my love for Anne Bishop’s urban fantasy series The Others. When I saw that the cover had been revealed for the fourth book – along with an excerpt – on USA Today I was over the moon. I love that these covers are a) consistent b) reflect Meg and c) always have Meg completely clothed. No leather pants and katanas for Meg!

I’m beyond excited for this one – we’re talking slavering territory, here.


Are you following along with The Others series? Have you read anything by Anne Bishop? What books are you looking forward to this week? Let me know in the comments!